Making Energy-Friendly DecisionsMaking Energy-Friendly Decisions

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Making Energy-Friendly Decisions

For a long time, I thought about how to save money on everyday household expenses, but I was really getting stuck. It seemed like our bills were the same every single month, and I couldn't figure out how to lower things. Fortunately, a friend of mine helped me to realize that there were some energy concerns that needed to be addressed, and so I started working on lowering our consumption. We began going through and working on making better decisions, and within a few months, things had really gotten a lot better. This blog is all about making energy-friendly choices you can get behind.


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Dealing With Damage To The Solar Panels On The Roof Of Your Home

If you have a solar array with a large number of solar panels on the roof of your home, you need to look at them from time to time to ensure they are in good shape. If there is any damage to the panels, the entire array could be affected, and the potential solar collection may drop. The problem could leave you with less power from the system than you need, making home solar panel replacement necessary. 

Solar Panels

The solar panels in your solar collection system are set up to work together to maximize the collection potential for your home. Older systems use solar panels wired in series, so if one panel is damaged or stops working, the entire array may stop sending energy to the storage batteries. 

Newer solar panels will correct that issue, so a home solar panel replacement may be a good option, but it can be expensive. Damage to solar panels is rare in most situations, but some things could affect them. A large tree limb falling on the roof, wind damage from a storm, or a lightning strike to your home could all be reasons that replacement panes are necessary.

If you have a problem with the panels, it is a good idea to have a solar contractor inspect the panels and collection system to determine what is happening and if you need to replace any parts. If home solar panel replacement is necessary, you may want to discuss upgrading the panels when doing the work.

Solar panels are becoming more efficient all the time, and if you are using your solar power exclusively, an upgrade could help produce more electricity with the same amount of space to better power your home.

Replacing Solar Panels

A solar contractor can bring a crew to your home and handle home solar panel replacement. The old panels can be removed quickly, and new ones set in place, then plugged into the array. If the rail system that supports the solar panels has any damage, the contractor will have to deal with that before installing the new solar panels. 

If you are upgrading your panels during the repair, you will most likely need to replace all of them so they are all the same and will work together correctly. Newer solar panels may not be compatible with the older system or the existing ones on your house, so replacing one or two solar panels could be challenging unless the contractor can find some for you.

If your system is older, discuss your options with the home solar panel installation contractor, so you can make an informed decision and get your solar system back online quickly.